babies babies babies

Apr 10, 2008 13:18

Miss Alice Rose Casella 3/14/08 10:03pm 7lbs 13oz 21" long

i have the best lookin kid ever. must have been all the sushi i ate and wasn't supposed to when i was pregnant.

she was also the easiest to get out too. on friday march 14th we went to the hospital for a non-stress test which is where they monitor the baby's movements to make sure she's still active and healthy. she was moving but not as much as they would have liked so we were sent upstairs to see my OB. As soon as she walked in the door she says, "So you wanna have a baby today?" i was like sure, but i didn't realize she meant it. we were taken back down to the hospital and registered then and there to be induced. at 2pm they started the pitosin drip. the contractions started but they weren't regular nor were they getting much stronger. it was like the feeling you get before you have menstrual cramps. you know they're coming but they're not happening yet. they cranked up the pitosin all the way and finally i started to feel the contractions. the monitor that was recording the contractions though was not working properly. they tried to switch out the sensor hoping that would fix the problem but it didn't. the last straw was to implant a monitor that sits right against the uterus. problem was, they don't typically use them unless you have an epidural because it hurts really, really bad to put one in.
i did not want to have the epidural but when posed with this decision i decided that it was best for both of us. the nurse assured me that i was going to be there for a long time and that i would be glad i got it and that i was not failing by having one.
after the epidural was in i went to sleep for an hour while we waited on the doctor to put in the monitor-she had been called to do an emergency c-section. the nurse came in to make sure i flipped over to my other side (otherwise the epidural medicine goes only to that side) and within 10 minutes i noticed something felt different. what i felt was the baby pushing herself out. i did not think it was a good idea to wait on the doctor to check me so i had my mom go get the nurse. when she checked me i was fully dilated, at a station 4, and ready to push! the nurse grabbed one leg, my mom the other and we started pushing. it was 9:20pm. steve and suzie were called back into the room and at 10:03 Alice Rose was born! it happened so fast! my mom was the best birthing coach ever! she helped me to know exactly what to do and talked me through every minute. everybody in the delivery room was so supportive telling me what a good job i was doing, how strong i was, and letting me know what was happening as things progressed.
although i never felt a hard contraction the entire time, i felt every inch of her fat little head! but when they slapped her up on me and i saw her and held her and heard her cry, it was all worth it! she was wide eyed and holding on to my finger right away. it was amazing!
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