Mar 24, 2008 14:32
I have to get this off my chest as it has been brewing there for some time. Here is my personal take on the campaign and some myths that the media is perpetuating. You can agree, you can disagree, but I think it needs to be said:
Myth: The Clinton V. Obama campaign is “tearing democrats apart”
It has been implied in the media that democrats who vote for either Clinton or Obama in the primary are not going to support the democrat that has been nominated because of “in fighting”.
I think Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) said it best when he reinforced the prevailing attitude among his fellow Democrats. "Everybody I've talked with knows that they're going to have to come together after the nomination," he said. "And I think it's good. I've told both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton that Vermont's different that way. We really care who these people are and we're not impressed by negative campaigns, we're not impressed by negative ads or stories. We look at the real person." (
I know democrats who support Obama and I know democrats who support Clinton. Both sides say that they will stand for either one when it comes down to it. The media just wants people to believe the party is divided because it sells stories. Are there people out there that will not support one over the other? Of course, but I do not think that it warrants the claim that it is “tearing us apart”. The only people who seem to be doing THAT is the media.
MYTH: The Race is taking too long! That means McCain will win!
Presidential races have gone on this long before and they will again someday. Both Obama and Clinton are out there every day talking to the American people and putting forth their ideas. Every news station in America is covering them! Voters are getting to know their issues and getting to know the Senators. How on earth is this a bad thing? The longer democrats can hold off McCain and Karl Rove, the better off they will be in November! If the race goes until the summer, so be it. If voters have not gotten to know the candidates by then it is simply because they were not paying attention.
MYTH: It is taking so long that Clinton should drop out. She can’t win anyway.
She can’t? Or is the media so desperate for a fresh face, they don’t want her to? She can win the nomination. I hear that the math is against her delegate wise, but what if she blows Obama out of the water in the next few primary by double digits? People do not THINK it will happen but they do not know for sure so why not let it play out? Anything can happen in politics, ANYTHING. If I were running a campaign like Hillary and my website made 6 million in donations in two days, I would not want to stand out there and tell my donors that I dropped out simply because Bill Richardson and thought I should. If people did not want her to win, the race would not be this close. The only reason for her to drop out is if she stops getting donations and interest and a clear message that voters do not want her there. Sorry media, but that message is not there yet so I think she should stay in.
Myth: Obama is “anti-American”:
First of all, when did “anti-American” become the catchall phrase? Obama is not “anti-American” and I would challenge anyone to prove to me that he is without showing me the following:
1) His pastor
2) His wife’s statements that she feels “proud to be an American for the first time”
3) The fact that he does not wear a flag lapel pin
First of all, Obama is NOT Jeremiah Wright. Until the words that came out of Wrights mouth come out of Obama’s, they are not representative of him. Obama has said he does not agree and that is that. If you want to believe that he does agree, than you are simply looking for a reason to hate him. Second, his wife can say whatever she wants and suggesting that she cannot is ACTUALLY what is anti-American. I do not agree with everything my husband says, and I know that is true of most married people. Just because one spouse says something does not mean they both think it. Third, I would not wear an American flag lapel on my coat either. If someone wants to wear one that is there right, just like not wearing one is his or her right. If people are choosing a president based on a pin, than we have more problems that I realized.
Myth: Hillary cannot “control” Bill and/or she only stayed married to him for political gain.
The media has vilified Bill Clintons role campaigning for his wife and think that he should step back. First of all, when I run for office my husband should and will help me. Second, what they mean by Hillary “not controlling” Bill implies that any of us can control our spouses. That is wrong thinking and not something we should encourage. Hillary gets blamed a lot for things her husband has done, as if she herself believes in them. Sometimes my husband and I cannot even agree on what kind of latte to buy! Suggesting that husbands and wives must share every thought, every idea, and every belief is just not forward thinking.
Lastly, if she did stay married to him for “political gain” than good for her! He cheated on her and made her get up in front of the whole world while he admitted it. If her idea of revenge on him is to get out there and run for office and do a good job of it, than more power to her and if she has to use his name to do it, so be it. He might as well give her some form of dignity after what he put her through.
Myth: Polls reflect the average American
This is my biggest pet peeve of all: Polls. I have never once been asked what I think about any of this and neither has my friends and family. The news seems to think that their polls reflect what we are thinking and I can assure you they do not. So stop putting poll after poll up. THEY MEAN NOTHING. Some day’s polls show support for Obama and sometimes they show it for Clinton and sometimes it is for McCain. It depends on who is being asked and you do not know how these polls are conducted. What if on my way to school I trip and fall and rip my jeans and the last thing I saw before it was a picture of Obama. If someone were to poll me right then, I would say I was voting for Clinton because she didn’t make me mad at that exact moment. For gods sake, polls do not mean anything!
I actually have more of a rant but for now I will let it go and get to my homework. Thank you for reading!