Holy update lag batman.

Feb 27, 2012 17:29

So it's been a while since I've updated. Haven't had that much to say... My life here has been pretty monotonous. I have to say though, I'm really happy to put February in the rear view mirror. I get to visit a friend in March and see a part of the country I never have before. I bought tickets to a post rock music night in May that I'm incredibly excited for. One of my favorite Japanese artists will be there. And I'm kind of going through concert withdrawals so that will be timely. It's in Shibuya and I have two friends who live sort of in the area so it will also be great to see them. Then I won't have another break until august. (not quite a break but there will be follow up training in June...)
Nothin terribly interesting happening. I've become addicted to Supernatual. I just finished season 3 which ends amazingly for having been a season affected by the writer's strike.
I'm an instagram junkie now too, which I both love and hate... But it's so much more convenient than lugging around my Canon. Almost bought a new lens for that today - a Holga. But I talked myself out o it for now because it's a low light lens and I don't get out of work before it gets dark and wouldn't get much use out of it at the moment.
Saw my first movie in theaters since coming here - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Didn't love it. Didn't hate it. It wasn't any kind of improvement on the original. The half assed commitment made to using Swedish text and accents irritated the hell out of me. But for a girl who doesn't usually care that much for Daniel Craig, I thought he played a very good and convincing Mikael.
Everyone in my office is being phased out and replaced. I don't love having to get used to a completely new office, but whatcha gonna do? We've met one of the new teachers already and she's pretty nice. We're getting more girl and we need one more teacher but apparently we're having trouble finding anyone to fill that position. I've done a couple interviews myself, but all of them have been with girls who - honestly with the level of English they display in the interview, I don't know what would make them think they could teach English to another person... That bad. So we'll probably be a short staffed school for most of April. Whoo!
Other than that... Been using the hell out of Project Gutenberg lately. I'm currently reading Dracula. One of those books I should have read by now but never gotten around to. I'm really liking it too, but it makes me realize that i've never seen a movie that has portrayed the count according to Stoker's original description... But it's an interesting story.
And... That's really all that's up with me. Later!

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