stop the BULLSHIT
"We found the weapons of mass destruction, we found biological laboratories.”
~ George W. Bush, Interview of the President by TVP, Poland,
2003-05-29 “Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.”
~ Dick Cheney, Speech to VFW convention, 2002-08-26
“The war could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.”
~ Donald Rumsfeld, 2003-02-07
Our mission is never the same, it merely changes to prolong the suffering of people....the list provided for us is ever changing and growing...
Bush: “Our mission is clear in Iraq. Should we have to go in, our mission is very clear: disarmament.” [
Bush: “Our cause is just, the security of the nations we serve and the peace of the world. And our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people.” [
Bush: “Our forces have been given a clear mission: to end a regime that threatened its neighbors and the world with weapons of mass destruction and to free a people that had suffered far too long.” [
Bush: “On Thursday, I visited the USS Abraham Lincoln, now headed home after the longest carrier deployment in recent history. I delivered good news to the men and women who fought in the cause of freedom: Their mission is complete, and major combat operations in Iraq have ended..” [
Bush: “The United States and our allies will complete our mission in Iraq.” [
Bush: “That has been our mission all along, to develop the conditions such that a free Iraq will emerge, run by the Iraqi citizens.” [
Bush: “We will see that Iraq is free and self-governing and democratic. We will accomplish our mission.”
Bush: “And our mission is clear there, as well, and that is to train the Iraqis so they can do the fighting; make sure they can stand up to defend their freedoms, which they want to do.” [
Bush: “We’re making progress toward the goal, which is, on the one hand, a political process moving forward in Iraq, and on the other hand, the Iraqis capable of defending themselves And we will - we will complete this mission for the sake of world peace.” [
Revenge for 9/11?
Osama bin Laden?
Saddam Hussein?
National Security?
Free the Iraqis?
Installing a Democracy?
** WARNING ** these pictures are gross, but no one ever really sees the casualties of war. rather than mere numbers from World News Tonight, here are actual pictures of war. i ask you to consider this as you view them...what are these young men and women dying for?
instead of actual war, what we see on TV makes war america seem overpowering and mighty, (ex. "
Shock and
Awe ")
p.s. - nearly all pictures are of the deceased. thankfully, these men are no longer suffering.
pic 1 (a man beheaded with a bomb)
pic 2 (massive gunfire wound)
pic 3 (gunshot to the face)
pic 4 (shrapnel, maybe? idk)
pic 5 (burn victim)
pic 6 ("insurgent")
pic 7 (man and daughter)
pic 8 (small boy)
pic 9 (children)
pic 10 (boy)
pic 11 (burn victim)
pic 12 (starving baby)
pic 13 (hit by a sniper)
im sick and tired of people defending this, and him. it isn't hard to see why the people of Iraq are so passionately defending their country. i don't blame them.
and now all hell is breaking loose in the south. i am appalled with the news stories coming out of new orleans. people killing each other, looting, shooting at cops, shooting at ambulances, is disgusting. i understand that their level of frustration must be incomprehensible to me, but how much chaos erupted from the so-called "third-world" countries after the tsunami.
From London (Reuters)
"I am absolutely disgusted. After the tsunami our people, even the ones who lost everything, wanted to help the others who were suffering," said Sajeewa Chinthaka, 36, as he watched a cricket match in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
"Not a single tourist caught in the tsunami was mugged. Now with all this happening in the U.S. we can easily see where the civilized part of the world's population is."
The true compassion of christians...
I found this article while rummaging through the web early saturday morning...
The real cause of Hurricane Katrina?
Sometimes, it's hard to keep up.
We reported last night on the cause of Hurricane Katrina -- at least in the eyes of an antiabortion group called Columbia Christians for Life. The storm, the group says, is God's way of punishing Louisiana for having 10 abortion clinics.
Well, at least that's what the Columbia Christians for Life were saying yesterday. We've just received another e-mail from the group, and now it seems to be saying that God sent Katrina after Louisiana to prevent Southern Decadence, an annual gay-themed bash that was scheduled for Labor Day weekend in New Orleans.
The Columbia Christians for Life forwarded to us a press release from a Philadelphia-based outfit called Repent America. In it, Repent America director Michael Marcavage explains: "Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city. From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. May it never be the same."