There's something about rocks...

Sep 08, 2015 20:48

Ancient rocks. Laid down eons ago, layer on layer, heated, compressed, lifted up and tilted to crazy angles, eroding, falling, turning back into sand. I've had it weave its spell a few times now, out riding the motorcycle with my hubby. The things these rocks have seen, over their life. They remember, on a scale that humans have a hard time imagining. They watch. Implacable. Waiting. The ancient Finns used to think everything has a soul, and I rather agree. It's why metaphysics says we're all connected, everything's connected.

Wildfires, floods, mudslides... they live through it all. Earthqukes? Minor adjustments, and they settle into their new places. Even the fires don't bother the rocks.

This is in direct contrast to the people who live here, who don't think much past the next move. Turn-by-turn GPS, without the full picture. Looking one car ahead as we drive.

I think we could learn from the rocks.
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