Batman in Training

Aug 02, 2006 00:56

Guess who's back, haha!!!

That's right, I'm now back and better than ever. My life could not get much better, I'm pursuing my dreams, I'm committed to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, haha. No, but seriously, I have returned to the world of LJ, while still using MySpace and Facebook, becuz I find LJ to be a very helpful tool when I need to vent. And, being as I'm going through a lot of internal struggle in regards to my parents, my little brother, my grandparents, and my separation from my girlfriend and best friends, I decided that I needed to return to the world of LJ posts.

Although I'm DEFINITELY not as depressed as I might have appeared in the months before I left Miami, I'm also not quite has crazily cheerful and happy as those in G-ville think I am. I'm going through a lot and the only person I can trust, my girlfriend, has heard enough of my depression and I don't want to depress her in the process. So, I will start bitching online so that I can appear happy on the phone.

A reminder, this journal, starting with the next entry, is FRIENDS ONLY!!!

So yea, for those on my Friends list, good luck putting up with what is going through my mind while I'm up here. Love you all.

-Steve Charles
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