Apr 04, 2007 23:14
A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y
1. Do you like anyone? mmm hmmmmm
2. Do they know it?: mmmm hmmmmm
IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U
4. Had sex: no...distance is a bitch especially on different continents, thank GOD for phones and phone cards and (insert other fun/interesting gadgets here) right?
5. Bought something: countless things
6. Gotten sick?: hmmm i dunno if you'd describe it as that
7. Been hugged?: indeed
8. Felt stupid?: every day of my life
9. Talked to an ex: yep yep
10. Missed someone: sooooo much!!!
11. Failed a test: nope
13. Danced: fuck yeah doggy! (best thing about stand up tanning beds, they place the music and you can dance naked in a cage with neon lights..i LOVE it...haha)
27. Snuck out?: i don't have to, thanks
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: yeah actually
-M A N N E R S
29. Do you swear/curse?: all the time
30. Do you ever spit?: haha i'm a southern girl...i can and will do pretty much anything a man can do
31. You cook your own food?: does ordering your own food count?
32. You do your own chores?: you MUST be kidding...
33. You like beef jerky?: EWWWWWWWW no, and i'm a VEGITARIAN! duh!
34. You like pepsi or coke?: diet coke
35. You're happy with your hair?: i wanna keep going blonder, but the cut i got is adorable
36. You own a dog?: not anymore, but if a cute boy wants the key to my heart, the first is a puppy Old English Sheepdog, and the second lock can be opened by my 3 carrat harry winston diamond 1895 setting platinum band engagement ring
37. You spend your money wisely?: nope
38. Do you like to swim?: indeed
39. When you get bored do you call a friend: yeah
D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S
41. Flowers or angels?: huh?
42. Gray or black?: depends on if you're going for a casual or dressy look
43. Color or black and white photos?: color photos that look great black and white
44. Lust or love?: love with a shit load of lust
45. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: if i could still eat them, i would say M&Ms (i'm a recovering addict)
47. Love for a short time, or long term nothingness? i would go with the first, but it's a bitch when that short period is over, in fact, it makes the short term love feel like it was long term nothingness sometimes : (
48. Staying up late or waking up early?: staying up late!! clearly!!!
49. Being hot or cold?: cold! then you can snuggle...
50. Winter or Fall?: winter
51. Left or right?: right
52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2 best friends
53. Sunshine or rain?: depends on the temperature
54. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: CHOCOLATE!!!
55. Boys or girls?: girls suck, and boys suck too, but at least you can get sex out of them
Slept in a bed of the opposite sex? yes
Hooked up in the woods?: haha frenchwoods=birth of my infamous hookups
drank a whole bottle of alchol? yes
Hooked up in the shower?: mmmm yes
Stolen money from a friend?: nope
Slept naked?: yes
Been in a fist fight?: slapping and scratching yes
Snuck out of your house?: when i was younger
Had a crush on a teacher?: OMG YESSSS richard omar and i will do it by the end of next year.
Seen someone die?: yes
Been on an airplane? many many many
Slept all day?: many many many times
Missed someone so much it hurt?: very much so
Fallen asleep during school?: yeah
Been lonely?: yes
Cheated in a game?: probably
Been to the ER?: yep
Been in a car accident?: oh yeah, umm, that accident where this friend and i went off the road in bad weather and spun around and ended up in a ditch!! "it was a miracle" we were okay.
Had detention?: i lived in detention in high school, cause i pefer to sleep than attend class
Cried yourself to sleep?: yep yep
Done something you told yourself you'd never do again?: all the time
Sung in the shower?: umm every day
Hooked up with more than 2 people in 1 weekend?: guilty as charged!
Kissed a complete stranger?: yep yep
Laughed so hard you cried?: yah
Cheated on a bf/gf?: yep
Regretted hurting someone?: yes
Regretted loving someone?: . . . . . .
"You try to break me Try to hate me
So you can fall out of love
You want to make me believe that I'm crazy
That I'm nothing with out you
It's unbelievable but I believed you
Unforgivable but I forgave you
Insane what love can do
That keeps me coming back to you
You're irreplaceable but I'll replace you
Now I'm standing on my own
this song=stuck in my headdddd