I can't believe I haven't posted anything on here in such a long time! It's not like I've been busy or anything; just lazy. Ha! Anyway, I just wanted to say that it's almost time for me to go back to school already! I can't even believe it. It all went by so quickly. I'm a sophomore in college! Totally weird.
Anyway, I'm mostly just posting to say that I think I've sort of...outgrown? Outgrown livejournal. Or something. But I've decided that I want to continue honing my writing skills and talking about the things I love. So, I've started a blog. Yes, a proper one. I know, I know - livejournal IS a blog. But this is a different sort of blog.
So, if you like listening to me talk about things (and if you do, I'm a bit worried for your sanity, seeing as I hardly make any sense half the time), please come and visit me at my blog (strange to say), located here:
It's not that I won't still visit this LJ from time to time - it's just that I won't be visiting it as often. Capiche? So, until later, ciao!