May 26, 2006 10:14
Doesn't quite suck but isn't necessarily far off it!
So, to update a little bit, I didn't get the job I wanted (didn't realise how much I wanted it til I didn't get it) but I am on the reserve list so a glimmer of hope remains. On Monday I started back in the same place I was before with the recruitment agency - as I suspected, I was thoroughly spoilt by my last team in terms of actually having interesting and challenging work to do! Suffice it to say, I'm bored and have been for the last 4 days!! Thank goodness for scuba diving.
On a more serious note, said scuba diving may become more difficult as my club could be falling apart. We have an AGM in a couple of weeks and the Diving Officer wants to stand down - as there is no-one else in the club qualified to take over the role, this could be the end!! Office politics have invaded my life in a way I never knew possible, to the point of infiltrating the one thing I have discovered that I really love and keeps me going!! Gaaahhhh!
I have also taken up windsurfing which, whilst reasonably enjoyable, doesn't inspire me remotely as much as the scuba.