Tick, tick, boom!

Mar 13, 2006 14:50

In the immortal words of Will Smith!

Well, here I am at work.... again! (Yes, I know we all feel that way!) I should be making the most of it as I have only 2 weeks and 4 days remaining to find a replacement job (got an application in for somewhere else so fingers crossed!) or trundle along with whatever mince the agency gives me (I favour method no 1).

I have loads to do and v little motivation in both my work and personal life (you guessed it, the flat still resembles a pig sty!). So here we go with the old to-do list:

1. Tidy up flat
2. Tidy up desk
3. Create that spreadsheet
4. Do the filing (you know, the enormous pile I've been putting off for the last 6 months or so)
5. Do a decent supermarket shop - I don't know how much I'm wasting on food from the cafe or work cafeteria when a £15 stint at Morrison's (any advertising fees gratefully received!) not only keeps me in sandwiches and snacks all week at work but also gives me a 'proper' dinner when I get home - although I have no arguments with toast and beans/scrambled egg/cheese, sometimes I crave veg!

Numbers 2 - 4 will have to wait as I'm off at 15:30 to buy some scuba gear - I think I'll try to fit in no. 5 while I'm out..... No. 1 was already firmly on the agenda!
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