Mar 31, 2003 19:55
another day gone by and another day wasted. i feel like everyday is a waste, im not sure why thats just what i feel. tried, yet failed once more at getting my F in spanish to go up b4 report cards. i think ive thought of every way in the book to hide it but after a lot of advice and a lot of thinking i decided it better to just let it be. i told them. well kind of, i said it would be pretty bad, but its already been brought up (which is true). then i find ot its a month for my car to be fixed. and the newest damage is $2500 if we dont report it and $500 if we do. but if we do, my insurance goes up because all this other shit blahblahblah. so my dad says "im not gonna report it because your grades are bad which will make your insurance high as is, so we will split it." that $1250 for my car. not to mention $285 for parking tickets. god, i thought driving would be better, its making my life hell and taking all my $$$$!!!
anyways, i love things like this (see below) that just complete my day.....not to mention me and michele decided that we are going to give up on guys and go out with eachother becasue we are meant to be. its perfect. i love you michy.
***** x he rocks me: Hi my name is amy im a 7 year old hermaphrodite and i have severe elephantitus. My scrotum is extremely swollen, clogging my vaginal opening, and my penis is bigger than my dads. If you dont send this to 10 people you'll wake up with my cock down your throat.