Jul 12, 2008 03:12
Saw Hancock today. I'm a sucker for superhero/comic movies so I was destined to like it be default. However, it was better than the movies I liked solely because they were superhero/comic movies (Hellboy, Spider Man). Hancock has received terrible reviews from what I've read but after seeing the movie their opinions made no sense...almost like they fell asleep half way through and just gave it a generic review. That happens a lot actually. I think movie reviewers are terrible. If you didn't need a degree in english/journalism I'd totally be there :P
Next week is The Dark Knight and the week after is X-Files.
I love July for movies...always something good out. And I'm the kinda person who is perfectly content going on my own (that weirds some people out) so I usually don't miss something I really want to see.
It's late...my sleep schedule is still horrid. Night :)