In the end, we’re all fruit.

Mar 26, 2005 21:39

Finally got the car back from the body shop last week. It's nice to actually be able to drive my own vehicle.

Activities Calendar: Tomorrow afternoon will be spent enjoying togetherness with the Robinson family. Annie consistently overachieves as a hostess and, frankly, earns my admiration in doing so.

Spent $104 at PetSmart this afternoon. I love my baby boy! I bought a 40 lb. bag of Science Diet adult small bites dog food, rawhide chews, retractable leash, and a new plush toy (woolly bowling pin). We'll see how long the bowling pin lasts - Oscar is a dedicated chewer and I must satiate the beast lest he attack my belongings.

Oscar has adjusted to his only-child status with amazing aplomb. In other words, he loves it. He's graduated to free-ranging instead of being locked into the living room during the day. I close off my bedroom (he likes shoes), but otherwise the house is his during the day. He also likes the fact that all the patio doors can remain open for him to traipse in and out at his leisure. I believe he is finally realizing that he doesn't need mother standing near him in order to successfully potty. He's right on track with his child development stages...he'll be two in June after all. I'm going to have to start saving for his college fund soon.

Update of mini-fan crush heartthrob Ian Thorpe: The bouffant hair is coming between us. Someone needs to tell that boy that it's just ugly. Newest atrocity: he dyed it black. Gack - the horror! While our relationship will always remain a pure love, am beginning to think it's time we started to see other people. My search for new eye-candy has begun, though with little success. Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish is certainly drool-worthy, however Nightmyr has claimed him as her own and friends don't steal friend's fan crushes. It's just not right.

There are a lot of ugly men out there and, incidentally, no on-line support groups for them. Who would have guessed, eh?

Have reached the startling and wholly heretofore unseen conclusion that am truly in possession of odd attractions to opposite sex. Have finally acknowledged deeply hidden preference for male knees and eyebrows. There is just something about a man with great knees and eyebrows. I call it the "IT" factor. Coincidentally, IT is Ian Thorpe's initials, unless you use his middle name, James, and then you have IJT which just may be telling. Blasphemy! Nightmyr argues that the shoulders are where ITs at, and I don't disagree...well-formed shoulders are inspiring...especially on bookish men. However, I've always been a "lower half" type o' gal (you can't beat a great set of manly legs) and find myself currently addicted to swimmers of the Olympic variety. One must have standards.

Tomorrow morning will find me wandering through a nursery (of the flora variety) in search of flowers and a few shrubs for the landscape. I have a lot of greenery, but few flowers and I want some. Am feeling infused with springtime feelings.

Good lord, can you tell I'm ovulating?

ian thorpe, house, vehicles, pups

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