Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~ Anthony J. D'Angelo

Jan 03, 2009 20:34

Heavenly Day! It's been at least 1.5 months since a post was made by moi.

Been busy, I have. Fun, shopping, holidays, and more fun! Leah (EP calls her H2 and himself H1 - the jealous little bugger) and I have made a pact to get our buns out of the house. As she'd say, it's not fun being a stay-at-home wanker. To that end, we've gone to antique shows, parades, shopping and all manner of good things. Now that the holidays are over (thank goodness), the "things to do" list really starts to heat up.

Have I indicated how much I love music lately? No? I do. Muchly. I share with Leah. She's willing to listen to me wax poetic about the silliest of songs, decades, bands. Check out 80s Music Videos for a truly stunning archive of popular videos. They are so much more awful and yet, hysterically amusing than I remember.

Facebook is, well, Facebook. Interesting in its own way. I have an account, as do many people I know, but I've never been a friend collector, so I'm not sure as to long-term value. It's much better than MySpace though. I like that it's not necessary to post blog-like entries ... just a simple blurb or link will do. Retains the mystery.

In other news: This year, I scored well with electronics.

XMas gifts: Sony eReader; PlayStation 3 and Buzz game; Wii Fit sleeve and yoga mat; de Blob Wii game; two movies; variety of gift cards; telescope and a new Sony flat-screen TV for our room (though that's obviously more for EP than me as I watch about, oh, zero TV).

I love my eReader. Best invention ever. It's so nice to be able to read away from the computer.

Government work is becoming risky business. I don't doubt layoffs are in the air, moving this way. Well, not my way or Ed's way (that I can see), but all around us. Am hoping for good things myself, as a position I want may soon be available. Am also going to see about registering for my final necessary accounting classes that need to be completed so that I can sit for the CPA exam.

Weather has been gorgeous, as ever.

goals, family, christmas, school, tech, work, ep, music, leah

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