Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. - W. C. Fields

Jan 11, 2005 22:54

Still feeling fades in and out.

Madison is now back to Plan A.5. Have decided he was doing best on the Humulin N at 1 unit twice per day. The Lente is simply not working; he's drinking more water and filling his litter box more than ever. After about one week on the Humulin N at 1 unit twice per day it appeared that his water intake was decreasing and so was his urine production, but I wasn't sure so we tried the Lente. I feel so dumb about all this insulin crap - type, dosage, symptoms. Grr! If the Humulin N doesn't end up doing what we think it will then it's off to PZI (aka Plan C) which is more expensive and has to be catalog ordered. I'd like to avoid that headache.

Econ 2 class was uneventful today. Lost two points on my cost analysis paper from last week. Apparently didn't go into enough bloody detail. Stupid professor - what does he know?! Was simply succinct in coverage of topic. The lecture today was on market structures and the differences between the four types: Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. One classmate pronounced oligopoly as Olly-Go-Polly. Quite amusing at the time.

Econ 2 professor is only about as tall as I am...which is one step up from a dwarf, in my opinion. That has nothing to do with anything, of course. Apropos? No.

I'm eating ice cream for the second night in a row. I like ice cream when I'm feeling cranked. Soothes the bitchy beast. Am not actually bitchy, more glum and sullen; wanting to be left alone to brood.

February 4th am going to see new doctor. A gynecologist. Need annual exam. Yippy-skippy! Will be sure to write in depth LJ post about that fun-time experience. Expect you'll all read that one with bated breath...

Next Monday is Arizona's Civil Rights Day. They don't like Martin Luther King, Jr. in Arizona and refused to give him a instead we've CRD. Could call it Angry Pink Bunny Day for all I care as long as I don't have to work.

One of the guys on my team for class is very tactile. Always pats your back or throws his arm around your shoulder when walking out to the parking lot. He's married with three kids, so nothing sexual at all (not that being married with children prevents the possibility, but not in this case). He's just one of those touchy-feely guys. It takes me off guard when he does it because I'm not a touchy-feely kinda girl. He's a really nice guy though, so no harm done and I can control my slight aversion to gratuitous contact.

Have returned to WRFA, but everything seems to be fluff-based. Where's the angst and good dialog, I ask you?

Amazing the pervy things you can find on the internet. Endless hours of fun, I say. Educational at the very least. Some good music and the internet and I'm a happy chica...hours of my life slip away in pleasurable pursuit of interesting information.

school, tech, mood, cat

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