I would like three things:
- For the play to be over. It was a larf and all, but I'm ready for it to be done. I don't like the show, everyone is brilliant, but the actual show is not my cup of tea at all. If it hadn't been for Tim, I wouldn't have anything to do with it. I've spent too much time on the sound design for nothing in return. That's usually a sign to me that I don't like it....
- To not be lonely. Everyone has been busy or away or dealing with their own problems. Which is fair enough. But I never realized how much I missed talking to people. I used to be able to go for days, barely exchanging a word with anyone. Now I just want to hear other people.
- To flee. britgeekgrrl 's wonderlust seems to have rubbed off on me. After the play I need to start getting rid of all this crap so I can pick up and go.