Dec 02, 2008 15:46
Name: Olivia
Genres willing to beta: Most, really. I prefer het and femmeslash, but I'll also beta slash if your fic is interesting. Also, I prefer beta'ing dramatic pieces although, again, I'd give comedic pieces a chance.
Genres unwilling to beta: Slash (just a personal preference, although if you've worked with me before, I could do it).
Pairings willing to beta: All femslash and het pairings (and I do mean all. I'm not very picky). I'd be OK with a slash pairing in a secondary role.
Pairings unwilling to beta: Slash pairings, unless, again, I've worked with you before
Ratings: I'd rather not beta NC-17 work, although I'd give it a go if I'd beta'd several of your fics before.
Length: Any length, really.
Beta strengths: I've been told that I'm good at pinpointing exactly what's wrong with the flow of a sentence. In addition, I like to focus on characterization and prose.
Beta weaknesses: I have a tendency to nit-pick. Sometimes I think I'm a bit too subjective in my critiques.
Additional info: Some days I'll really need to focus on my schoolwork, so I might be erratic. However, if I can't get to your fic within a few days, I'll let you know.
Contact info: otempora42 at Or just message me at my journal.
beta offer,