Name: Joanne
Nickname: Josie, Jo
Age: 22
Likes: Computers, dragonflies, fairytales, Dr. Pepper, true love, plushies, anime, manga, the countryside.
Dislikes: Power cuts, boredom, work, people who talk too loud, smoking, people who think they're better than me, being alone, spicy food, bullying, violence
Hobbies: Web design, writing, roleplaying, eating, sleeping
Talents: Well I wouldn't say I had any, but most say I'm good at writing, and at webdesign.
Goals: To marry the person I love.
What do you feel is your best quality? I'm very hard to annoy, meaning I can deal with almost everything calmly and rationally, and easily put up with friends ranting at me for hours.
Your worst? I'm too trusting of people, sometimes, and it gets me into bad situations with people.
What's your favorite quote? Why?: "Nothing really dies, as long as its not forgotten." I've always liked it, gives me a sense that so long as there are people who love me, I'll always be there somehow, and reminds me to love and keep my friends in mind for the same reason.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: I'd make myself be able to act like the adult I am more often, because there are certain situations in which it is required.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: I'd allow anyone to get married, whether a male&female, male&male or female&female. [and not just so I can marry my girlfriend, really.]
Why do you like the anime/manga s-CRY-ed: It has everything that I like in an anime, love, action, angst, humour, and some of the best characters I've ever seen.
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Cougar, because he makes me laugh so much, and yet there's some sadness deep down there that makes me cry as well.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Mimori. I find her complete denial of the fact that people change in ten or so years annoying.
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: CougarxMimori. Yes, I don't like Mimori, but yet I adore this pairing. Mainly because if she'd actually gotten with Cougar rather than chasing after Ryuhou, then I would have actually liked her a lot.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: RyuhouxMimori. So in the past.
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: Kanami, just to be able to act like a child again for a while.
How did you find this community?: Searching for S-cry-ed in the interests.
Anything else?: Nope, I think I've said enough :D