(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 09:28

Meep. Okay, tell me who I'm like :P Because I haven't a clue...

Name: Not Telling you! Simply because I hate it so much that plan on changing it
Nickname: Asuka (NOT the Tachibana kind...), Aurora, AB, "Hey, You!" ... Yeah, I pretty much respond to just about everything... as long as it's not my real and legal name
Age: 16

Likes: Kazu-kun, Art, j-pop, anime (well, duh...), guppies (it's a fun word!!), Beef and Snow Peas, food in general (so long as I think it's edible)...

Dislikes: people. People are overrated. Especially stuck-up people. Also, tomato sauce, seafood, homework, being forced to do things I don't want to do.

Hobbies: Drawing/CG, Icon-making, flute playing,

Talents: Uh... drawing, I guess, and getting on people's nerves. I'm good at that, for some reason. Not that it's intentional. Also, I'm really good at being loud. I can't even eat soup quietly 0.o

Goals: Heck, as far as I'm concerned, Yesterday is too far gone to worry about, and Tomorrow is too far away to care about. I'm the "live in the moment" type, so I don't really have any goals. WHatever I happens in the future, happens.

What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: I'm a very spur-of-the moment, impulsive person. As to why that's good, well, I believe that having everything planned out ahead of time is a boring way to live. Besides, if I hadn't made impulsive decisions, I wouldn't be where I am today...

Your worst? Why?: I'm really bad at understanding other people and their needs, which sometimes leads people to believe I'm selfish or self-centered, but it's not so much that I really am - I just tend to feel cut off from the rest of the world.

What's your favorite quote? Why?: Eh... that's a tough one. There are so many quotes in this world that it's hard to pick a "best" or a "favorite." But if I had to say... how about "I found Kazuma-kun, but he was undressed..." Allow me to explain. I was at an anime convention and spent a good portion of the time stalking this Kazuma cosplayer, except I lost him at one point. Later on, I relocated him, but he had taken off his Kazuma costume and was just walking around in plain old shorts and a t-shirt. So on the way home, while I was half-asleep and talking with my friends about the convention, I said the above, which has turned into my handy all-purpose reminder that I can be a real airhead sometimes, and that everyone is wierd when they're asleep

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: I would try to understand other people better. As previously mentioned, I'm not good at it and it causes people to have some misconceptions about me.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: I'd rather the world was a more tolerant place where everyone would stop getting on each other's cases. People need to learn to leave other people alone.

Why do you like the anime/manga s-CRY-ed: It's really deep, and there's so much people can learn from each of the characters. I like action, yes, but my action has to have a plot or I get bored in 5 minutes flat. Also, Kazu-kun ish teh shmex :P

Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Kazuma. His personality is just one that I like, and he really is a strong person. And it helps that he's hot and his voice in the dub is done by my favorite English voice actor...

Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Ehhh... Probably a tie between Kigetsuki and Mujou. Kigetsuki because he's a stuck up, narcissistic loser and Mujou because... well, aside from the fact that he's a completely moral-less jerk, he just wants too much... seriously, does he NEED to try and take over the Lost Ground? Is that REALLY necessary?

What's your favourite pairing? Why?:Probably RyuMim, just because. Except I actually rather dislike Ryuhou on his own, but that's another story

What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: KazuKana. Kazuma does not want to sleep with 8-year-old girls, you sick, sick people!!!

If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: ...Does the invisible Kazuma-stalking rabid fangirl character count? If not... ah... someone who doesn't die. Dying is highly overrated. Maybe Mimori. Except she loves Ryuhou, so maybe not...

How did you find this community?: A link on.... some community. Probably alter_users

Anything else?: Ummm... the sky is blue, guppies are teh aw3s0me, and I have a pet bonsai named Ed... the end...
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