I think my heart goes *click clack*

Mar 31, 2008 22:59

I woke up this morning in an unfamiliar bed. I'm one of those people whose dreams blends perfectly into reality in those waking moments, so I was absolutely convinced that it was a guest bedroom in Briana Nixon's house. That's the only detail of the dream that I had, but I do remember it was a nightmare. Then I realized, I had crashed at Goose's house the night before, when we abandoned a recording session because both of us were struggling to keep awake. I shot awake, because it was Monday, at least seven o'clock from the light outside, and I had to be at school...

The moment when I realized that, in fact, no, I did not need to be at school any time soon, will easily go down as one of the most beautiful of this vacation. Needless to say, I passed out for another hour.

Now, that little segment has nothing to do with why I'm writing, but I thought it'd bring a smile to a couple of my Constant Readers, and, what the hell, I like to make 'em smile. Call me meretricious if you like, but baby, I still won't do windows. I'm too lazy to come up with a decent segway into the main topic, so this is it.

I spent most of today packing and turning over ideas for stories. I can't wait to catch up on all the writing I've been meaning to get done. Now that I can afford to expend my creative energy how I choose, such as writing one of my stories rather than making up utter bollocks for a couple pesky IAs, all the words are flowing like the proverbial milk and honey. What I want to do now is run over the two major projects that I'm going to tackle over the break. Now, not only does this whet your whistle, Dear Reader, but it also helps me keep focus. I get my best ideas usually when I'm slogging my way through a mediocre one, but these are two good ones, and I plan to get them lined up and squared away. Without further ado (or purple prose) here they are:

1.) "31,025 Days." Looking over one of my previous entries, I was lamenting that my one really good story, "True Believer," didn't really "mean" anything. I wanted to tackle "deep" and "philosophical" things, be the Kerouac of my day. Turns out I don't even like Kerouac that much, but this is going to be a story that has "meaning," I think. IT's a science fiction piece, odd enough for me. It goes like this: an astronaut falls into a black hole backwards. That's the only action that takes place, quite literally. The interesting thing about this, though, is that I read somewhere that as you approach the event horizon of a black hole, time speeds up, so that the last thing you see before you fall entirely into the black hole is the end of the Universe. That idea of having the last thing you see (at least in this dimension) is all of existence going *poof* just delighted me, and so I'm writing about it.

2.) Lakeside. Ah, yes. The Big One. The Story that I've been meaning to start ever since the new year. It was my one resolution, because I make a habit to never make resolutions, but this one demanded special attention. To put it bluntly, it's my novel, my first novel, and it'll be done by January 1, 2009, or so I swore to myself. What I have so far is this: a group of evacuees seek shelter in a run-down motel during a massive hurricane. Anyone who has ever stayed in a motel during a hurricane knows the kind of people you get in there. The politically correct term is "Melting Pot;" the more accurate one is 'cesspit.' So, a mishmash of humans from all ends of all spectrums crammed into a cheap sleazy motel during a hurricane. One of them turns up dead, and the word on everyone's lips is murder. Now, the hurricane hits right as the body is discovered, so they're totally isolated. Think of it as a comedy-murder-mystery in the tradition of Carl Hiaasen, minus the pro-Florida environmentalist undertones because it's set in Montgomery and the Everglades can rot as far as I'm concerned; I've never seen 'em.

So, that's what I'm doing. Lots of writing to be done on the trip to Sarasota tomorrow. Lots of writing in the motels especially. I'm hoping to have 31025 knocked out by the time I get back, and at least a chapter of the novel put away. We'll see what happens, but either way, there'll be new entries on here soon, so keep your eyes peeled, if you like.

Take care, Dear Reader, and happy Spring Break to you. Take the time and use it to relax completely; odds are that you could use it just as much as I.

Tripping the Light Fantastic,
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