Greater Heathenry need to have something that can be pointed at that articulates in clear, rational, and accessible ways what Heathen Clergy actually *is* rather than what other people define and think it is.
One of my most difficult arguments on the interwebs is getting across that we are not Richelieu-vian power grabbers. That we are *not* Catholic Priests out to sell indulgences, Protestant pulpit thumpers trying to tell their congregations how to live and what to do, or even Wiccan Priest/esses discussing magical ways to solve lifeâs problems. Too many Heathens assume the totality of our job is performing rituals. That *is* part of our job, but modern clergy do far more than that. Not even getting into spiritual/pastoral care, we can be medical advocates, explorers, articulators, and developers of Heathen Theology, and arbitrators and frithweavers, just to name a few.
I have to too often stress that we (Godhar) do not wish to get between people, their spirituality/religion, their relationships with the Divine (meaning a short hand for God/desses, Ancestors, Vaettir, and our Ways), and their Folk. We want to enhance, encourage, advise to make those various relationships the best it can be for the Folk. To see a Kindred/Tribe/Group flourish with just a portion of any guidance I gave fulfills me a great deal, even if I am ultimately left behind. I learned that lesson from Odhinn. He is happiest when we don't want or need him anymore.
Do I need to point out that being Clergy has a lot more to do with a variety of other factors beyond just knowing a lot on a particular scholastic subject? Yes, Godhar need to know the Lore, but they do not need to have Bachelor's (or higher) in History to do the job. In fact to be a Godhar they need to know many soft skills (arbitration, spiritual/pastoral care, applied theology, interpersonal skills, etc.) that *just* knowing the Lore and History does little to inform. They need to be able to *apply* the Lore, along with other solid experience, and other knowledges.
The academic and scholastic aspects of our Heathenry are very well represented, yet our spiritual/religious sides (what my Religious Studies professors called "theological") is severely lacking. I think it is part of the job of Heathen Clergy *to* articulate the Theological side. Merge the Experiential with the Lore and other knowledges to make a better, stronger Heathen religion.
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