A man does what he chooses, a boy does what he should. This is a good article, once you take out his personal story. The gist (that really hits home in the later half) is very good.
I spend a lot of time on men's issues, this semester even taking a Men and Masculinities class (not to learn about about it but get tools, methodology,and resources on how better to discuss it from a Heathen perspective).
I encounter many men who feel sort of lost on various issues. This "should" thing is something very interesting. The demands of what one "should" be as a modern man are often *not* tied into the interest of a man nor the interests of his family.
This doesn't mean women can't take the advice, but it does mean the transition and maturity from boy to man needs to have a focus on empowering a man to choose his way.
Heathenry is about one's deeds, it is about action, accomplishment, and moving forward. It is about forging one's path towards one's own success. Our modern society is full of what a man "should" do, but rarely does that take into consideration that mans familial needs, personal needs, and abilities.
To many men put the needs of everything else before their own needs. I've even argued with Mark on whether Family should be first, before a man's own life. I've settled on a, "it depends on when," answer. A boy should not start a family, a man makes a family.
To many boys who play at men are around, and society encourages this extended immaturity. I'm trying to figure out various ways Heathenry can provide some assistance, practical and thoughtful, to help both older guys and younger men, be in fact better Men. For themselves, their families, their Kindreds, and the God/desses, Ancestors, and our Folkway.
I'm in the proto-stages here, but expect things in this direction. Any particular areas men would like to see addressed from a Heathen perspective?