This was limited to 2-pages. It was a personal belief statement.
A Firm Handshake
Why is the etiquette of the handshake not taken more seriously? It shows character, intestinal fortitude, vigor, and presence. Giving a firm handshake is an investment in who you are, what you are about, where you stand, and how you interact with the world.
Many of the important people in my life started our relationship with a firm handshake. They looked into my eyes, we securely touched palms, and we shook hands. They did so with grace, confidence, and practiced skill. All of these are qualities I respect and make a good place to start building something more.
The eyes meeting solidly are a significant start to the handshake. When I meet someone and they don’t make eye contact … I ponder what kind of person they are. We haven’t even touched hands or spoken and they are already failing. When they avoid my eyes, or only make a passing glance, they provide a clue that either they are afraid of me, or somehow not secure about something about themselves. Either way, it is a significant black mark.
Once our eyes have met we start the approach. It is not a thrusting motion of the arm but a comfortable movement at the edge of the other person’s space. This point is when parley begins but one’s army is comfortably at one’s back. To close and warning klaxons go off. To far and there is a chance of a trick or ambush about to occur.
I expect the hand approaching me to be in a neutral position. Palm up is a submissive gesture, or palm down is an attempt to control or dominate. Hands meet smoothly at the crux of the thumb and the index finger. When performed correctly, I’m shown the person has some social skills and that they know boundaries.
Palms should be touching when the grasp begins. This is not about crushing an opponent, but showing one’s self as confident and assured in their skin. A solid grasp reveals that they are not afraid of applying a little pressure but willing to give a little in compensation.
This is when the wet fish can occur. Either we have not met at that comfortable parley point causing me to grab their fingers, showing a lack of skill in these skills (a flag but not always a red one), or they are so timid that they hesitate. If the latter, they lower themselves to coward status. Combine this with no eye contact, and they prove not worth dealing with except in the briefest fashion.
Once the palms are secured, the “shake” occurs. This is not an arm wobble, or pistoning motion, but one of harmonious agreement. I strive for a ballet of strong yet graceful movement up and down. Three motions are enough; one not enough. Five shows them too eager thus either annoying or trying to get one over on me.
I believe that a handshake reveals a lot about a person. A weak, feeble handshake reveals someone who hasn’t thought about how they present themselves. They show they do not grasp the subtleties of human interaction. In this world of decreasing physical contact, a firm handshake helps determine a person’s worth and whether to invest in future dealings or dismiss them as a drain on time and energy.
I'm quite proud of this one. I think it is some of my best work. I want to thank everyone who gave advice.