Jun 17, 2004 13:22
anywayz, graduated finally, amongs turmoil. i failed english 4 b w/ a 67, mr. hodgekinson gave me the credit though, literally... got fired from best buy for giving jacob a discount, but all isnt to bad, i go from 7.25 an hour to 9 an hour plus comission. ima b workin at the sprint store at deerbrook, so that isnt too bad, they just dont know that i got fired. my supervisor from best buy said i could use him as a job reference cuz he liked me and we were cool. he didnt want me fired but there was nothing he could do. the home theatre manager was being a lil dick head along w/ the bastard that ratted me out whom i still have to fuck up. anywayz, i should get called tomorrow or saturday depending on when they get the results of my drug test and then start workin and bankin in that dinero. not to mention i basically get a free phone, shit 700 anytime and 700 night weekend minutes may not b as good as the plans that people get, but when u get unlimitted downloads and every fucking feature possible added to your phone, for only 20 bux a month, (which can b credited to your account on a sprint computer making it free) then hell, no complaints here!!!! anywayz, yeah, now to UH, im only gunna take 2 classes, still have to go to orientation though, i only want english and college algebra, that way im not stressed and can easily take tests without studying for them while still maintaining a full time job... anywayz, ltrZ ppl