Dec 13, 2003 13:50
Friends University now has a man staying illegally in the dorms.He was supposed to pay 10 dollars a day to stay there.He refused because he said he had no money.He is now wandering about the dorms ever so sneakily trying not to get caught by the Residential Manager.He likes to pretend that every time he comes out of his room, he is a Navy Seal on a re-con mission trying to not get caught by the enemy.He is so far so good.This man i speak of is none other than I, Shane Roberson. I just wanted to stay a few extra nights to be with my girlfriend, who lives in Wichita, and to watch the most graceful dancer on this side of the Mississippi.That being the one and only Victoria Spangler.She exemplifies greatness.I have just tried a Riesen chocolate candy for the first time.It is damn good.Go out and get some.Well ladies and gentlemen, i am off for now.Oh and kate, you are a really funny girl.