(no subject)

Jul 23, 2008 01:28

So the world has been looking up lately to say the least. As I sit here in my poorly lit hotel room in Las Vegas I cant help but smile. The snores of two worn parents are echoing across the room are drowned out by the music pulsing through my headphones. All is dark besides my sisters face, illuminated by her nintendo. This chair is far to uncomfortable for my liking and I despise the fact that I cant move around the room without loosing my overcharged internet charge but you know what? This is all okay. I'm here. I'm home and it feels nice.

As we crossed the state line a few days ago and those casinos came into view, (whiskey pete's) to be more exact, I felt my pulse quicken. When we stepped into the hotel and the smoke and alcohol tainted air hit my lounges, my heavy heart lifted and I felt at peace. All this stress seemed to melt away. Sure there were flaws, my best friend missing from my side, my sister about to reach my patience level and of course a soar ass. But this is good.

I can't quite explain it but for some reason this city puts me at ease. It's not like the thrill of gambling or the advantage of drugs is what does it for me considering I'm under aged, its just wow. The lights, the people, the crowds, the never sleeping and the always moving, it gets me. I think because its so big and loud, you don't know whats real or even truely there because this city is made of sins and regrets and make believe. Some would frown apon its ways, hell most would frown or at least disagree but you know what? Fuck them. This city is perfect. Its a gateway to the unknown. The sin. The adventure. The pure I don't even know what to do or think of it.

This is about as close to home as I've ever come in this city of strangers and it feels amazing. I don't want to leave back to reality

I got my stitches stitched, I got my fixes fixed,
In my aching head I got my kisses slipped.
Our gossip lips stuttered every word I said, I said,
I got your love letters, corrected the grammar and sent them back.
It's true - romance is dead, I shot it in the chest then in the head.

And if you wanna go down in history then I'm your prince,
Because they've got me in a bad way.
I've never seen a heart I couldn't break.
It was never about the songs, it was competition,
Make the biggest scene, make the biggest...

Which came first, the music or the misery?
We're high-fashioned, we're last chances.
Which came first, the music or the misery?
We're high-fashioned, we're last chances.

I'm casually-obsessed and I've forgiven death,
I am indifferent yet, (I am total wreck.)
I'm every cliche, but I simply do it best.

journal, diary, las vegas, home

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