Jun 25, 2005 06:07
Seriously, there has to be something wrong with me!!!
I just met this awesome new guy and his name just happens to be DAVE! (Not my ex-dave) AND he is 26 AND has a kid.
WHY ME? he is short adorable and a good kisser.. and I am falling for him.
On the brighter side, it is one kid not two.. As if that makes things better....OK.....OK...... I am just trying to justify it.
So much for not attracting men with problems.
Anyways.. enough about that.. Lets talk about the pony. My favorite subject.. She has been very wonderful, and we went x/c schooling this week where she was very brave and only had problems with two jumps (a ditch, and a huge fence) Otherwise she was brilliant and did a road crossing jumping down and up (which she has never done before) water, and lots of Novice/Training sized jumps. I loff her!!! Anyways our next show is two weeks from yesterday at Stoneliegh, at which I will have a certain death.. Hopefully not.