Ahahaha who is this, you have made my day! :DscruffynerdhrdrApril 8 2011, 15:29:59 UTC
Hey, Awesome! How's it going, man?
[Private] Uh, yes. Yes, it is one of those. So you can't tell anyone, not even me. Outside of this channel I am required to deny all knowledge. Got it?
YOU ARE AWESOME. :D I would enjoy having an Awesome here full-time. And LASZLO! YES PLEASE!scruffynerdhrdrApril 9 2011, 00:07:33 UTC
Yeah, I can't really tell you too much about it, Awesome. At least not right now. We're, uh...we're in beta.
[Pause. Awesome might not know what that means.] I mean, we're testing it still. Which is how you got on. Security hole. It should be taken care of in a day or two, I think.
Comments 27
Uh, yes. Yes, it is one of those. So you can't tell anyone, not even me. Outside of this channel I am required to deny all knowledge. Got it?
[Pause.] ...man. That must be some heavy stuff. What is this barge thing? Is that code for something? Or should I not be asking that?
[Pause. Awesome might not know what that means.] I mean, we're testing it still. Which is how you got on. Security hole. It should be taken care of in a day or two, I think.
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[He pauses, then cedes.] Well, I don't usually. But I'm not a bad hacker, you know.
[Suddenly jovial,] How's life, Chuck? Friend? Out there in the real world? With all your freedom? How's that going for you?
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