09. - Video - Quote, endquote

Feb 07, 2011 23:20

[Chuck is staring at his desk, trying desperately to use his own words.]

Captain's log, stardate: Unknown.

[Frown. Pause. Try again. Fail to produce own speech. Flail arms helplessly.]

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

...help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

[Aaaand lineface.]

[Sources: Star Trek, Zoolander, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope]

nightwing = bryce look-alike???, jeffster is less annoying than this bs, scarecrow is a troll, never speak again, flood: crap superpowers, flood, i am an articulate shnook, cannot. stop. talking., flash goes fast, docta jones!

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