06. - Video - Welcome to the infirmary, you'll be spending a lot of time here

Jan 09, 2011 21:35

[Chuck opens his eyes and stares at the camera, looking slightly unfocused. He's in the infirmary, and a little battered-looking. There's a bruise on his face and a cut above his eyebrow...and more stuff that the camera can't see.]

Ow, my head hurts. I really need to stop getting concussed, it can't be good for the--[He catches himself.] --my health. At least it wasn't a steel beam this time...even though it felt like a steel beam...

[He runs a hand through his hair. And stops.]

Where is most of my hair?

[He turns to show the back of his head to the camera. His hair is definitely shorter and shaggier in the back than it used to be. You can blame that one on the Aztecs.]

This isn't because of surgery, is it? No, I don't feel a suture. Great. I think someone attacked my hair with pruning shears. That's really attractive.

[Then he glances around the infirmary.]

All things considered? I guess I have it pretty okay. I should get discharged soon, but I think they want to keep me overnight because of the concussion.

injury magnet, flood, this is what you get for heroics, flood: aztecs, cannot. stop. talking.

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