I saw this on Tear's LJ and decided to steal it. 8D Originally by
libekory~ \o/
character: Tibarn (310*) [
series: Fire Emblem Por/RD
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (My main, with over 400 tagged entries in the comm. :| Tibarn is very easy for me to write, and I almost always enjoy it. I pretty much have to be in a really down mood to just not feel him. Sometimes I worry I've gone a little far off the mark with him, buuut... he's been in Micro nearly a year and a half and had all kinds of CR so I'd be concerned if he were exactly as he was in canon, too.)
cast strength: ■ □ □ □ □ (He used to have lots of canonmates! He's down to two now, though, and one of them is me so she only half-counts. Leanne is an awesome canonmate, however, and I've had a couple of truly awesome ones like Reyson and Lethe so I'm quite happy with what I have. ♥)
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (Plotting with him is ridiculously easy. In fact half the time someone says "let's do this" and it's good. |D He gets into mischief pretty often, and he's really approachable, so... yes. Getting plots and cr with him is easy and fun and good \o/)
likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □ (I'd only ever drop him if I dropped the game entirely. And even then I'd play him somewhere else. :|)
character: Miura Haru (24) [
series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ (She was pretty damn hard at first, with all her confusing baggage. But now she's an absolute joy to play. I still have a little trouble with her because she requires a very perky mood and it's tiring if I'm not up to it. But she's super fun otherwise, and I've been told I do well with her now. :3)
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ (I love her castmates, though she's lacking any of the core Vongola family. While having that would be fun, she does pretty well with her Varia pals. |D)
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ (Her ...unique personality makes it very easy to come up with totally cracky plots and ideas! The only downside is I have to stop for a while if I'm not feeling energetic enough. ^^;)
likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □ (I've done it before, several times, but now that I'm steadier with her I have no interest in letting her go. XD She's fun to play and I love the cr she has so, so much.)
character: Arisawa Tatsuki (17 (+18)**) [
series: Bleach
muse strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ (She's really difficult to get the ball rolling with. Once I get up the energy her threads are a lot of fun, but even then I'm worried about how clear her voice is. I really just need to stop being intimidated by Bleach's size, suck it up, and canon review. XD)
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ (She's got a HUGE cast, but doesn't interact with many of them-- mostly my fault for reasons stated above. I plan to get her more involved though, and I wouldn't trade my Hime for the entire frickin world, man.)
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □ (Easy to come up with plot ideas, though some are harder to actually do. And my wibbling about the voice doesn't help. XD But easy, considering.)
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ □ □ □ (It could happen if I just can't get comfortable with her. But it would be a last resort because I do love her and the cr she has. :(b)
character: Yune (????***) [
series: Fire Emblem: RD
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ (I have some difficulty finding a balance with her. I suspect the childish behavior is the cause, since while she should have a hint of childish innocence, it shouldn't be quite that much. I also have to be careful not to let her get influenced into trying to be "good" or "bad" since she makes it clear she is neither one. So, she's a bit difficult and takes some work but I still love playing her most of the time.)
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ (She does have two castmates, but since she interacts with neither --for good reasons-- I don't think they count much. XD)
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □ (Coming up with huge mingling posts with her is easy as eating pie. I have a lot of trouble with what I want to do with her /personally/, though. If that makes sense.)
likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □ (I tried doing it before and found that for all my faults with her, I missed her terribly. I'm also really excited for the plans I have with her, so while dropping again somewhere down the line is possible, it's terribly unlikely and probably wouldn't last long. u_u)
* Not canon, though I hypothesized this from the official timeline and official info on Laguz lifespans. I'm also aware that the way Janaff talks at one point makes it sound like they're all the same age, but was told this was just bad translation/wording from someone I consider a canon expert, so have taken that into account as well.
** Tatsuki's age is listed in the wiki as 16, but since coming to Micro she's had a birthday. She was physically aged up to 18 and for the sake of my brain I'm just assuming she won't physically age anymore until she's /supposed/ to turn 19.
*** She's older than the concept of old. :|b