Originally posted @
http://scruffy-duck.netI’m not a piercing person. Or a pierced person, even my ears aren’t pierced. They used to be, when I was a teenager, I had them pierced when I was ten in a Co-Op Department store in Coventry (that is now long gone), and I stopped wearing them when I was about seventeen or eighteen. I was too paranoid about having them ripped out and I used to forget to wear any most of the time, so I stopped wearing them. Makes sense. That was a long time ago, and I consider getting them re-pierced from time to time, and having the top of my right ear pierced, especially as I’m not as afraid as needles as I used to be. I’m still put off by the fact that someone is using a needle to put a hole in me.
Which probably sounds odd for someone covered in self harm scars, but we all have our issues.
I’m more interested in tattoos really, I have six, want more, probably will get more, but piercings, not my thing.
Though I do like some piercings, find them interesting, fascinating, beautiful, and none more than corset piercings, which is actually a new discovery for me.
Just beautiful, in a weird wonderful way. I don’t think I could ever have it done personally, I’m not built (i.e thin) well enough for it, and well, I just don’t think I could have that many piercings without freaking out regularly about them being ripped out.
Stunning though.
I love this picture, for the hotness, but I love this corset thing, and would really like to have something smaller like this done. Or on my arm like this:
My arm would be more likely, if I were ever to get it done. My arm is pretty tough, cause I only ever cut on my arm, so the forearms are (a bit desensitised and scarred. And I would love it on my arm, on view, by me and by everyone.
I wouldn’t like to have it done on my vagina. And I’m not going to post the picture on my blog,I’m just going to link to it. But be warned, it is a picture of a corset piercing on a vagina, you can’t say you didn’t know exactly what you’re about to see.
(click here if you really want to)
Never ever would have that done. I’m still somewhat fascinated by it though.
And there we are, my new obsession/fascination.
Images One and Two I found
Which lead me to image Three, which I found
And finally Image Four I found