The Alternative Winter Olympics

Feb 20, 2010 13:53

Originally posted @
My friend Laura and I were texting about the Winter Olympics last night, and the insanity that is the skeleton bob, and she mentioned how somehow everything is more exciting on snow or ice.

So this is the list of Alternate Winter Olympic Sports.
  • Cricket On Ice.
  • Ice Golf.
  • Dodgeball On Ice
  • Olympic Snowball Fights.
  • Shooting Competitions: Trying to hit the Ski Jumpers as the leave the ramp, or Skiers on the slalom.
  • Cross Country Skiing crossed with Hide And Seek
  • Basketball on Ice.
  • Water Skiing with Iceberg Hazards.
  • Snowball Ten Pin Bowling
  • Hurdles on Ice.
  • Horse racing on Ice.

I’m not sure about that last one, I’m not sure that RSPCA, or any other animal rights charity are going to let us put horses on ice. In ice skates, or on skis. They might right too. Mores the pity.

I was also thinking about some sort of sledging competition, with animals that weren’t dogs. Cats maybe, but then, if it takes about six dogs to pull a sled, it’ll probably take a few dozen cats. Which would be hilarious, but again, can’t see the RSPCA going for it. Unfortunately.

winter olympics, random, news

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