(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 09:31

Not multiple gates. All of them.

The Sam Carter Drabble-A-Thon - A Very Long List Of Drabbles (and some that got a bit long).

Surrender, Sam/Cam/Teal'c/Daniel/Vala,(NC17), too much, by geonncannon

Escape Plan, Sam/Vala, (R) - "we made it out" by geonncannon

Sucker Bet, Sam & Lorne & Zelenka, (G), rubix cube, by geonncannon

Plants Moons or Ruins, Sam/Daniel/Teal'c, (NC17), mutiny, by geonncannon

Alien Conspiracy, Sam/Vala/Teal'c, NC17, incursion, by geonncannon

Not Quite Suffering, gen, G, feathers, by rolleson

Hold That Thought, SG-1/Torchwood, Sam/Jack Harkness, R, hero worship, by geonncannon

Crisis, Sam, paper clip, PG by jaina47

Syncretic Objects, Sam/Ba'al, G, by rodlox

Mario Kart (Among Others), Gen, G, Nintendo, by rolleson

Turnabout, Sam, G, push, by geonncannon

Secrets We Keep, Sam/Teal'c, PG13, mask, by geonncannon

Reasonable Doubt, Sam/Cam, NC17, AU versions in Ripple Effect, by geonncannon

Snow Day, Sam/Janet, R, time, by geonncannon

Atheists in Foxholes, Sam/Jack/Daniel, NC17, war, by geonncannon

Thirty Seconds Is More Than Enough, Gen, G, Sudoku, by rolleson

Fifth Column, Sam/Ba'al, NC17, face, by geonncannon

The Next Day, Sam/Janet, PG-13, about last night, by tittamiire

Much Obliged, Sam/Vala, PG-13, small, by tittamiire

Last Best Hope, Sam, G, Asgard ship named The Samantha Carter, by geonncannon

Five Minutes, Sam/Vala, R, mud, by geonncannon

Really, Sam/Cam, NC-17, below, by rolleson

Turbulence, Sam/Cam, NC17, flyboys & flygirls, by geonncannon

Show Me the Way, Sam/Teal'c, R, help me, by geonncannon

Long Car Trip, Sam/Jack/Daniel, NC17, books, by geonncannon

Winner takes it all, Sam/Janet, G, games, by tittamiire

Although I Might Like it For One Afternoon, Sam, G, orbit, by geonncannon

History Repeats, Sam/Keller, NC17, making a habit of this, by geonncannon

Texture and Taste, Sam, G, Avocado, by tittamiire

Behind the Scenes, Sam/Julia Donovan, NC17, tell-all, by geonncannon

What's that noise? Sam, G, Push, by tittamiire

Mensa, Sam/Rodney, PG, Mensa, by ellymelly (part one)

Mensa, sam/rodney,PG, Mensa, by ellymelly (part two)

Quackers, Sam/Janet, PG, rubber ducky, by celandinehobbit

Seeing Stars, Sam/Janet, R, Button, by tittamiire (part one)

Seeing Stars 2, Sam/Janet, R, Button, by tittamiire (part two)

Boss of Me, Sam/Vala, NC-17, Queen, by tittamiire

No Backing Out, Sam/Janet/Jack, R, bondage, by geonncannon

Typical, Sam, PG13, cleavage, by geonncannon

Just a Pinch, Sam/Hathor, NC17, pinch, by geonncannon

Runs With Scissors, Sam, G, scissors, by tittamiire

Grand Gesture, Sam/Janet, R, breaking up, by geonncannon

Irrationally Transcendental, Sam/Rodney, R, finally, by geonncannon

Prime?, Sam/Daniel friendship, G, Geeks, by tittamiire

Personal Questions, Sam/Ba'al, PG, Personal Questions, by ellymelly

All About Sam, Sam/Daniel, R, ritual, by rolleosn

Dual Lives, Sam/Cam, NC17, savour, by geonncannon

Water Fall, Sam & season 10 team, G, bath, by geonncannon

Sounds of Silence, Sam/Jack/Janet, NC17, screams, by geonncannon

Ante Up, Sam & Keller, PG13, money, by geonncannon

The Jig is Up, Sam/Keller, R, injections, by geonncannon

Casualties, Gen, PG-13, by skydiver119

Pants, Sam&Cam, Gen, PG, by skydiver119

Awkward, Sam&Geek Sam, R, by skydiver119

Mud, Gen, Sam&Jack, PG, by skydiver119

Sex, Sam&Jonas, Gen, PG, by skydiver119

Rubiks Cube, Sam&Lorne&Zelenka, PG, by skydiver119

For Tomorrow We Die, Sam/Keller, NC17, die, by geonncannon

Magic Fingers, Sam/Keller, R, ache, by geonncannon

Did I Say That out Loud? Sam/John, PG-13, pyjamas, by rolleson

The Visit, Sam & Vala, G, Atlantis, by elfcat255

The Visit cont, Sam & Vala, G, Atlantis, by elfcat255 (sequel to the above)

Try It, Sam/Janet/Vala, R, trying new things by elfcat255

The Surprise, Sam/Janet, G, "Where are you?", by elfcat255

The Surprise, Sam/Janet, G, "Where are you?", by elfcat255 (part two)

Final Request, Sam/RepliCarter, R, Desire, by elfcat255

Deep Into Some Mystery, SG-1/X-Files, Sam/Scully, the weirdest thing, by geonncannon (part one)

Lightning Through My Veins, SG-1/X-Files, Sam/Scully, abduction, geonncannon (part two)

Out of Eden, Sam/John, R, apple, by geonncannon

Getting to Know You, Sam/Teyla/Ronon, NC17, aid, by geonncannon

Sleep Wear, Sam/John, PG-13, Rodney, by rolleson (sequel to Did I Say That out Loud?)

Bright Idea, Sam & Season 10 team, G, playing pool, by elfcat255

Walking a Tightrope, Sam/Vala, G, high, by elfcat255

Unexpected Guests, SGA/BSG, Sam/Laura Roslin, G, negotiation, by elfcat255

Comparison Of Feeling, Sam/John/Jack, NC-17, comparison, by rolleson

Rumor Mill, Sam & Keller, PG, boys, by geonncannon

Drown, Sam/Elizabeth/Jack, R, crash, by geonncannon

Paranoia, Sam/Pete, G, sound, by tittamiire

Light's Out, Sam/Janet, PG, "where are you?", by celandinehobbit

I Want a Girl With..., Sam/Janet, R, dance, by geonncannon

Distraction, Sam/Janet, R, button, by geonncannon

Afters, Sam/John/Jack, NC-17, desert, by rolleson

All-American, Sam/Cam, R, sports, by geonncannon

Real, Sam/Elizabeth/Jack, NC-17, beg, by rolleson

Since When, Sam/Elizabeth, PG-13, temptation, by rolleson

Of Hats and Homes, Sam, G, house, by _minxy_

Dance Like No One is Watching, Sam/Janet, PG13, Dance, by tittamiire

Resolving Disputes, Sam, PG13, rock, by tittamiire

Butter and Salt, Sam/Janet, PG, popcorn, by geonncannon

Torn Asunder, Sam, PG13, ring, by geonncannon

Man, it Pours, Sam/Janet, R, California, by geonncannon

With Her Boots On, Sam, G, Boots, by glinda_penguin

A Thing For Blue, Sam/John, R, blue, by rolleson (cont. on from Sleep Wear)

In Time, Sam/Keller, PG-13, vitamins, by rolleson

The Deal, Sam/McKay, R, kissing, by rolleson

fic stuff

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