Heh! This place is a-fucking-mazing. You can get just about anything if you know where to look.
So much to do and so little time. It's a cryin' shame Livio's such a fuckin' pussy that way, leaving me to clean up all his goddamn messes. I think I deserve a consolation prize.
Don't think I've forgotten about
you, old man. What's the matter? Afraid to talk to your star pupil? Or are you just licking your wounds from the fight, if you can fuckin' call it that, with Crybaby? I'm all ears.
As for
you, you can fuck off. Livio ain't coming back, and I'll be damned if I let you try to draw him out again before I've had my fun.
In the meantime, I think I might answer that dance card.
[ooc: Public voice post because Razlo doesn't give a shit about filtering. @_@]