(no subject)

May 17, 2007 21:13

Title: My New Moon
Chapter Rating: PG(cussing)
Pairings: Eventual Cox/JD
Summary: Humans know about lycans. Can J.D.'s pack, family, and loved ones keep safe?
Chapter Characters: John
POV: 1st person, John Dorian
Lycan Colors/Designs: Click
A/N: I promised a chapter more than 1000 words, but the cutting I had was weird. And if I did stick with the origional idea, the whole next chapter would of been a dialogue, and I know you guys want action...so, forgive me! The next chapter will be up this weekend, though ;D

I had to leave, before they discovered the body. Any talk, any word uttered about it, and I'd crack again. It was too much.
Besides, it's not like I could ever come back here anyway.You don't kill people and stay around to get caught. That's one of the many rules of the lycan.

"I killed someone," I choked out, fist clenched so tightly, that even my normal, dull nails cut in and caused my skin to bleed.

"What?! Johnny, what happened?" the other demanded through the phone.

"A...it was a hunter. He knew what I was, he was going to kill me. I had to...I had to..." Even though I was trying to reassure him, I couldn't even reassure myself.

He breathed in deeply, obviously trying to think. "Are you hurt?" he managed, sounding strained, yet quiet.

"He...shot me in the shoulder with silver. It was barely a nick, but it stings."

"Clean it out with some antiseptic. If it gets any worse, I'll contact gram for you." Dead silence, for a second. "You can't stay there."

I nodded, though I knew he couldn't see me.

"ell, not only did you kill someone, they know about you. More will come, I know." The sound of shuffling papers was heard. "Listen, as soon as you can, come out here, alright? Don't bother with anything, you have to get out of there."

"...Yeah, I...can arrange a flight-"

"No," he cut me off, voice sharp. "No planes. If they catch you up there somehow, you're a dead man. Apparently these people will go to the extremes to make sure one more lycan is taken down. No...why don't you take a train?"

"A train?"

"Yeah," his voice held a bit of amusement. "In case you need to jump off, of course."

Pulling myself up, I took one last glance at the mirror. My wide, scared eyes focused on my own face, which was incredibly paler than normal. Body wracked with minor shuddering, I took in a deep breath, trying to calm down.

I had to get the hell out of here.


I burst through the door, taking quick strides, heading towards the front entrance. I kept my eyes down, not able to face the humans around me. If I looked up, all I would see is inferiority. A lower link on the food chain. Walking meat. Saliva watered up in my mouth, and I wondered what I might do if I were to lose control and slaughter everyone.

"Listen, Dr. Dorian, I don't pay you to walk around the hopsital staring at your shoes all day," I heard a rough voice bark at me.

Glancing up, I was startled at what I felt in my heart when I came face to face with Bob Kelso, who looked very unhappy. The good news was that I did not see him as a well proportioned meal. Thank god for that. But what I did see confused me even more.

I saw something similar to myself when I was young. Confused, blind eyes, staring at me as if it expected answers from me. No, humans were not inferior. They were just a baby species, not fully matured like us. We were the adults in this world, and they simply were young, and and willing to survive, as all pups do.

"Well," I started, surprised at how even and stern my voice was, "You don't pay me at all anymore...I quit."

"What?!" He demanded, causing people in the hallway to turn our direction. "You can't quit." The tone in his voice were as if he were grounding his own son. It pissed me off, truthfully.

Growling, I snarled back at him, "I can do whatever the hell I want, old man." Moving around him as he stood frozen with what must of been shock, I stopped again from one of the bystanders watching our little quarrel.

Dr. Cox stood right in front of me, staring at me with a confused look of bewilderment. I think I saw some hurt in his eyes, too.

"Newbie.." he started, but never started again. He just stayed there, trying to come up with something. I didn't have time for this.

Shaking my head at him, I ran past him, down the hall. I told myself I wouldn't turn around and look back, I forced myself not to hear the cries of Dr. Cox actually shouting my name. That moment I told myself that I had disconnected myself from them all, forever.

"JD?!" Turk said as I ran past him, but I shook myself, biting my lip and trying my best not to cave in. It hurt, leaving him behind. I could feel his confusion, and the dull sense of abandonment. And I know he'd that feeling would grow, and he would be abandoned from this point onward. 'I'm so sorry,' I spoke mentally, the front doors sliding open as I approached. Strange, when I was up on the roof it was quite clear outside. But now, there were clouds in the distance.

It would rain in a few hours.

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