This and that

Nov 15, 2009 20:38

Someone sent me fic feedback more than two years after posting. That was a lovely surprise and made me go back and reread the thing. Parts I quite like and overall I'm satisfied with it so I guess it's stood the test of time, but it's hardly my best effort. But the feedback was good for my ego.

Bravo, Brandon Sanderson! This is the poor schmuck author chosen by Robert Jordan's editor-wife, Harriet, to finish the Wheel of Time series. He did an outstanding job on The Gathering Storm. The plot moved at an acceptable pace and I actually felt as though things happened in this book, rather than just setting the stage for things to come, as has happened in several books. There was no Lan, no Elayne or Birgitta, but otherwise he hit all the main characters. I actually enjoyed this entry into the series far more than I did the past few, which were bogged down in the great sink hole of prolonged and enormous fantasy fiction. This effort seemed far more focused and easier to follow. Two more books to go, one a year from now, one two years from now, and I'm actually looking forward to them again. And, of course, the last lines of the book will be "The Wheel of Time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again..." because it's, you know, The Wheel of Time. The fans who think there will be an eternally happy ending with the Dark One's destruction haven't been reading the fine print and I mock you all from afar.

I'm way behind on Dexter as one of the eps didn't record and Showtime On Demand has been a pain in the ass over it, but John Lithgow is completely creepy in a different but equally disturbing fashion to Jimmy Smits last year. These guys who almost always play good guys must be having a blast being Teh EvOl. But it creeps me the fuck out. How say all of you? Perhaps we need a poll.

I'm UTD on Californication, tho, and cringed at the end of last week because I am so not a fan of that chick. I love the stripper and the TA (and Karen, of course) but the Brit snob is completely not my cup of tea.

Loving NCIS this season however NCIS:LA does not impress. WTF did they do with Macy, the boss from the pilot eps? I liked her. She had depth. Potential. Bah! Mike Rowe trumps NCIS:LA and even my Tivo understands this without explanation. TV Guide NCIS spoiler: Robert Wagner has been cast as Tony's dad!! SQUEE! Due to air in January.

dashakay has pointed me toward some Big Bang Theory fic. I may never forgive her. Also, cretkid wrote a drabble about Wallowitz for me here. Just scroll down to my request and the drabble is in the reply. Thank you again, CK!! *hug*

I miss True Blood. Has anyone seen the True Blood soft drink? Borders had some yesterday but it seemed exorbitantly priced so I passed. Hot Topic has three TB t-shirts (and a metric fuck-ton of New Moon crap), tho: a bright red Fangoria t, a Bon Temps HS football team t, and the Merlotte's waitress t, which is the one I bought although I may have to go back for the Fangoria one.

I bought my Hallmark ornaments for the year last week: the leg lamp from A Christmas Story (sadly, not lit from within, damnit! C'mon, designer people. It's a lamp!!), Kirk, Spock, and Pike from The Menagerie (TOS). Kirk and Spock argue and are so very slashy that it makes me smile. The third ornament is the Swedish Chef with Lobster Banditos!! They don't move but they say several phrases from the skit and the Chef sings his song! *loves* I made sure to get my ass out early this year as I had to order last year's Muppet ornament on eBay and the damned thing doesn't work! *sob* I was crushed. I may go back for Dorothy and Toto and the TOS phaser (with sound). *contemplates spending more $$* *contemplates new master bath* *contemplates robbing a bank* *sigh*

dexter, trueblood, wot, californication, ornaments, ncis

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