Long time no see. Or, since the puppies are sucking up most of my spare time, that should probably be Kong time no see. Ziva and Victor are gorgeous, growing like weeds, and more fun that a barrel full of... well, PUPPIES!
Chessie and Buddy do very well with the puppies, although Chessie believes she has dibs on their toys and Buddy wants them to leave him alone when he goes potty. We've only had them fifteen days and already they look twice the size they were when they came home.
William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy and Patrick Stewart and Bruce Boxleitner and Scully's Mom to be at D*C! Sadly for my BSG friends, EJO and Michael Hogan cancelled. *hugs BSG friends tight and consoles them with tequila* Felicia Day (oh, poor Penny!) and Thomas Dekker (weep for T:SCC!) and Ron Glass (I love you, Book/Harris, forever and always!) will attend. Gareth David Lloyd I may just eat with a spoon this year. He is just as adorable as you would expect Ianto to be, even from the back of the room. I am currently debating costuming, assuming that I don't injure myself tripping over the curb again before the con even starts. *eyeroll* Grace I am not at the best of times but bruising and scrape-age led me to not wear leather or the corset last year. Of course, leather in the Atlanta summer is never a wise move but I've never laid claim to wisdom even when experience was the teacher. I did do Scully in scrubs and lab coat but nobody got it. *sigh*
ION, my brother wants me to record a flute intro for one of their songs while I'm down there. That'll be interesting. I might want to take a listen to what he expects of me. I also might want to time travel back to the late 70s when I could actually play old Betsy.
PM me if you want my D*C contact info (ie: cell phone). Nikki, I lost your number at the next to last phone change.
Love you all!
ETA: Michael Hogan IS on the schedule. I misread it. D'OH!