Will someone 'splain the Sims to me? Apparently, Sims3 has just come out and there is discussion on my flist. Do I need Sims? Do they do anything or is it just like playing with virtual dolls?
annimarie75, 'splain it to me!
Since I usually talk about the dogs and the kids, pictures of my cats:
They were litter mates and just turned 14. They're the sweetest cats in the universe and if it wasn't for the peeing in inappropriate areas, we'd have no complaints. For the record, laminate flooring is NOT pee-proof. I think we'll replace it with hardwood. At least that's sealed and can be sanded down and refinished. The laminate just kind of separates from the bottom. *sigh* We only just put that in a year ago.
They are the feline equivalents of Jack Spratt and the missus: Pix is so thin we try to feed him whenever he's interested. Penny is a tub, although she's been on a diet for almost a year and is much more active now, but it's a constant effort to keep her from eating Pix's leftovers. LOL She's hoping the baby robins will come down to play. ;)
Happy Sunday!