Wind in the East, Mary Poppins and Bert and many children through the years. Utterly delightful.
Domo Arigato, Psych. Ten-year-old Gus thinks Shawn is a robot. BWAHAHAHA!
Deck the Halls with Glowing Deer, Psych. Shawn and Gus and lawn ornaments. Perfect!
Understudy. Psych. Eleven-year-old Shawn and Gus and Shakespeare.
One Minute, Counting. Pushing Daisies. Emerson and Ned in the morgue. Perfect!
Camp. Pushing Daisies. Emerson, Ned, Olive, and Chuck in fine form.
It's a Purl!. Pushing Daisies. Olive and Emerson and bondage knitters! *g*
hoping's very fears. Pushing Daisies. Ned and Chuck and Olive and Emerson. Gorgeous.
I'd better post this before I forget again. Enjoy!