From my brother, the cat-owning engineer, An Engineer's Guide to Cats (no, that's not him in the vid):
Click to view
Cat yodeling! Corporal cuddling! Tuna addicts! BWAHAHAHA!
In other news, I fired off an email to ABC to tell them they suck for canceling Pushing Daisies. Basing the note on skills learned during the SaveFarscape campaign, I did refrain from using the word 'suck', but just barely. I asked how many awards as show needs to be nominated for or win in order to be granted a full season. If you heard the word 'fucking' between 'full' and 'season' then you know me far too well.
I spent all last night looking through Gossamer updates for a fic (because I have no life) I wanted to reread but hadn't bookmarked or possibly had lost the bookmark in the great harddrive crash of '05. Finally found it this afternoon on Key of X:
The Games We Play by Wintersong, which is a marvelous study of the partnership and the unanticipated results of pissing off Scully big time on an HRT training mission. If you stop before the epilogue, it's an occasionally LOL-funny/angsty/smart Mulder and Scully fic, romance and sex-free but well done and well worth the read. The epilogue doesn't really work for me but don't let that stop you from reading it or the rest of the fic. *shrug* Make your own decisions.
What else...? Seasonal Affective Disorder is in full swing (I hate this time of year. Or I would if I could work up the energy to hate. Send chocolate!) and I'm seriously trying to convince myself that I don't need to drive to Atlanta for Thanksgiving with my brother, especially as #1Son has to work next weekend and so won't be making the trip. Plus: I don't have to pay anyone to take care of the animals. Minus: my baby will be HOME ALONE! Oh, the horror! All by himself! Who will tuck him in nights? *frets* For those of you not in the know, my oldest son will be 21 in January. Well able to fend for himself for a few days. But still. Alone on Thanksgiving! *sob*
On call tonight. On call tomorrow. Life sucks in many ways. However,
aloysiavirgata has posted a new fic in five parts, Falling In and In and it. is. outstanding. Humor, angst, William, smut, family, work, disaster, and miracles. It has it all. I need to reread it because I was blown away and am nearly incoherent over it. Thank God for good fic!