Nov 16, 2008 13:50
1) If you are cooking and you have to open a bottle of wine because the recipe calls for red wine, you are completely justified in having a glass or two out of the bottle regardless of the time. It is five o'clock somewhere after all.
2) Watching your youngest son get shot and killed in a play is EXTREMELY DISTURBING. The play was Murder in Green Meadows but the cast of four had been told to not spoil any potential audience members, so, although we knew the title, we didn't know who was murdered. I really wish #3Son had not adhered to that direction. Disturbing. Really, really disturbing. I kept waiting/hoping/praying for him to get up! "It's a play, scrubs. It's a play!" Anyhoo, the kids were absolutely outstanding. It's a cast of four but, since they had two extra chicks, they split them up into two casts, each group doing two performances. But the boys were both in each cast and so had to practice twice as much. Also, first on-stage kiss for my 17 year old! My kid is amazing on stage! If he wasn't set on having a more secure lifestyle, he could easily head for Hollywood and wait tables until his big break. ;-)
3) When you've just had a quarterly bonus (and your father has just been discharged from the hospital), you are completely justified in buying a new laptop. There will be drawbacks to this, such as the latest operating system (Leopard?), which comes with its own trials and tribulations. And if you forget (or don't get reminded by the OS set-up thingie) to enable file sharing on the old laptop, none of your files will be transferred and you'll have to fucking do that by hand. Tedious even with a firewire cable. But still NEW LAPTOP! I think I'm going to call this one Charlotte Charles aka Chuck. Chuck and I are getting it together, still feeling each other out. I will attempt to sync my iPod and iPhone later this afternoon, with much fear and trepidation, which is partly what the wine is for.
4) Not really a scrubsism just info: the grumpy old man had his fem-fem bypass on Thursday, got through it with flying colors, and was discharged Friday morning. Kinda like having bilateral hernia incisions, so nothing major pain-wise, but they connected his left femoral artery to his right to get flow into the right leg and he had excellent pulses on the right afterwards.
5) Part of the reason I watch so little tv at this time of year I've realized, aside from the Seasonal Affective Disorder and its associated blahs, is the rumor and speculation about which shows will be cancelled. I do not want to get attached to new shows if they're not going to be around for long, which is how I stopped watching Life and Journeyman last year, then lo and behold! Life's back, early rumors to the contrary. And now I hear rumblings of an untimely demise for Pushing Daisies, which just flabbergasts me. I can't avoid the rumors because they are legion on the interwebs and especially LJ. But ignorance in my case may be contentedness if not bliss.
6) ACLS and PALS can be fun even on a Saturday that I'm not on call if the instructor plans his courses with an eye to the audience: we were all either physicians or CRNAs and we know how to read rhythm strips and treat the dysrhythmias. About a third of my department showed up and, even though I don't do kids any more, I stayed around for PALS (which the folks who were at the surgery outpatient centers need) because I've never taken it before. Basically the same guidelines as for adults with different dosing. I enjoyed them both and learned how to put in IO lines (intraosseous). \o/ Short of the Zombie Apocalypse, I will never need this knowledge but still: you can teach an old dog new tricks.
7) #1Son looks completely adorable in glasses. He's been wearing contacts for about six years now, having refused to wear glasses. Period. Now he's decided that it might be nice to have a pair for when he has an eye infection (a couple of weeks ago) or for late at night when he wants the contacts out. Adorable!
8) #2Son, like his father, is almost impossible to buy gifts for. His 19th birthday was last week and I have yet to buy him a single thing because there's nothing he wants/needs. I hate that.
Pot roast is in the crock pot. Red wine is in the glass. I'm on YIM (scrubschick).
grumpy old man,