Oct 25, 2007 15:37
Updates galore: No spoilers.
After lots of lovely rain Tuesday and Wednesday, today is gorgeous. Temps are still 'unseasonably warm', as they say, as evidenced by the fact that my houseplants are still outside, which is absolutely unheard of for this time of year. I have a lemon on my tree that's softball-sized at the least. It's HUGE! And still green. The lime tree has a dozen or so on it but it's hard to tell when they're ripe becaues, you know. They're green! ;) "It's not that easy being green..."
I have given up on Bionic Woman, Reaper, and Life. Not even the allure of Katee Sackoff will keep me watching that stupid show, Reaper just doesn't float my boat, and I hear Life has been cancelled so I took it off my Tivo list. I need to add Dirty Sexy Money and watch those on ABC.com. Chuck is less delightful that it's first ep but for now I'm still watching. Just not avidly. Ditto Journeyman. Heroes seems to be searching for a plot (nothing new) but Mohinder and Nathan are still very pretty. The twins do nothing for me but I really like Monica and her relationship with Micah, although the kid laughs to much for my tastes. My love for House has been renewed this season and I relish the playfulness especially between House and Wilson. And Cuddy. My OT3. *happy sigh* SPN last week was fun. I like fun. If I want to be depressed, I can go to work or read the news. Keep up the fun. In that spirit of fun-seeking whoreness, I am completely enamored of Pushing Daisies. This is my favorite new show and, if you haven't tried it, you need to. You can stream the eps from ABC.com and, if you're compulsive like me, you can watch them more than once. Now I just need to make my icons.
I have a letter in my inbox from my BFF from high school. The last letter I sent her was before she sent me one on my birthday last year. I also owe letters to Shipsister and DorothyGale. *headdesk* I am a very bad friend. This is a given. I am a very bad niece as my last exchange of letters with my aunt was also over a year ago. I need a secretary. I need a keeper. I need Pidg.
Please send good vibes for my dad's knee replacement tomorrow. He had the right one done over a decade ago and has been putting off having the left done ever since. He's finally got it scheduled for tomorrow and, since he won't be able to ride to Atlanta for Thanksgiving, my brother is coming here and I will cook. This is a Good Thing because I have to work that week and wouldn't be able to make the trip either. Digging out my recipes tonight. My Pumpkin Cream Cheese Tart is awesome! Anyway, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist have been hand-picked by me, I'll be forced off work so I can keep Mom company in the waiting room, and then we'll have six weeks or so of cranky old man to deal with. Yay. /sarcasm
#2Son has been complaining about upper abdominal/chest discomfort again and so got taken to the doctor last week. Again. He refluxed as an infant and I suspect this is still the problem as he's complained about it on and off ever since. So I started him back on Prilosec and his doctor has him scheduled for an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. That will be on SH to get him there and back again. Poor kid has to be NPO for eight hours prior to the study. Personally I think he needs an upper endoscopy and a barium swallow but I am not his doctor so we'll do this first. His amylase was very mildly elevated but there are a million things that can cause that so I am not concerned. The possibility that he needs to have a Nissen fundoplication done does concern me but not too much without a demonstrable diagnosis.
I had three of the whiniest, most annoying patients ever this morning. This was Not Fun for any of us. I felt like saying something along the lines of "Lady, you have never been happy or even just content for a day in your life. What makes you think an hour-long anesthetic will magically cure this?" But I restrained myself. It was a near thing.
I'm sure I had more to say but my brain feels like it's wrapped in cotton wool, thick and distant. If it surfaces at any point tonight, I will post the rest. Prayers to all my friends in the wildfire areas. Stay safe!
*hugs flist tight*
the 'rents,