if early.
Nice early room, good people, late lunch at Panera.
I ate too much. I never should have eaten the cookie. *bleargh* I feel sick. Briefly considered giving bulemia a trial but I hate puking.
But when I got home I found that #1Son didn't have his parking pass so he skipped Physics, has misplaced his debit card, and then missed/forgot work and we've been unable to reach him. I suspect he's at the gym with his buddy/ies and so doesn't have his phone but I'm concerned that he missed work and that he hasn't called me back yet.
On the plus side, I believe SH has fixed #2Son's bedroom door. *snerk*
The good things today: a lot of really good fic has been written for Kaz's Farscape Potluck Ficathon. The masterlist with linkies is
here. Go read. I'm actually quite surprised by the feedback I got for my fic. I still want to fix it some more. *sigh* I probably won't ever be completely happy with it but thank you all for the lovely, kind words.
I finally had a chance yesterday to watch last week's Journeyman. Wow. I really like it. It was interesting, the characters were engaging, I enjoyed the mysteries, both the ep-contained one and the series-long one. I'm going to Season Pass this show. I also watched Friday's Doctor Who (John Simm! Be still my heart!) and Saturday's Torchwood. I love "Cyberwoman" and the little behind the scenes bits during the commercial breaks are interesting.
As for Bionic Woman, I was very meh about the first ep. In the trailers up on the NBC site earlier this summer, Mae Whitman was playing the sister and the sister was deaf. I thought that was an interesting plot device and was disappointed when they recast the role and cured the sister's disability. Bionic implants? The boyfriend was boring and Jaime adjusted to her powers too quickly for my tastes. The most interesting character was Katee's and I'm afraid they're going to kill her off. I'll watch a few more eps but I was underwhelmed.
ETA: The prodigal son has called, is fine, didn't have his cell, and there were many four-letter words when I told him he'd forgotten to go to work. But the best four-letter word was in the response to my "I love you." "I love you, too." *happy sigh*