I really love Auto Updates. Usually. They're brainless. Usually. This time, I was told there is an update to QuickTime, so naturally, I installed it. Restarted. And found my Flash games wouldn't play. I got a big Q with a ? over top.
I was not amused. While I didn't care that the stupid little Flash ads wouldn't load at the top of pages, I am addicted to mindless little Flash games (gives her favorite Flash game pimps
kernezelda and
simplystars the evil eye) and they entertain me endlessly during hours of boredom at work, or during commercials, or whenever I'm, you know, bored.
I played with QuickTime settings. I played with Safari settings. I reinstalled Flash. I restarted several times.
Eventually, I threw out all Flash-related files and reinstalled Flash again. Now it works. Don't ask me why. I haven't a clue. All I know is that I'm not happy with the Auto Update of QT that precipitated the whole mess.
*grumbles and heads for the beer*