Mar 22, 2004 09:27
My friend John from Fairfax came to visit this weekend and it was very fun. We played poker on Friday and I lost such a gay ass hand (*more on this later), Saturday we went to a VSA culture show and then a party at night and then he was gone after lunch on Sunday. I actually haven't seen him since Thanksgiving break, which is really ridiculous when you think about it since he lives 5 minutes from my house at home. He did bring a few beverages though, and might I add my 2 favorite ones. Goldschlager, the stuff with the gold flakes that tastes like cinnamon altoids, and my baby 151. Delicious!
Before that though we were playing Cranium, that game is crazy. Q and I lost by 1 space at the end, but it was fun while it lasted. I think Jian would be the master of that game cuz he knows so much useless crap its ridiculous.
By the way it is snowing here at I had a class at 8am and it sucked...
*I dont wanna go into detail but this is how it went
My hand: Pocket 3's
Heiu: K-5
Van: Ace-something else, both spades
Free flop, King of spades, 3 of spades, King of clubs. Heiu raises 2, I reraise 2, all call. 8 of clubs comes out. I raise 5 bucks, both call. 5 of spades comes out. (I lose my full house advantage to Heiu) He goes all in and we both call... fucking gay ass... that was a 70 dollar pot by the way