Hello There!!!

Jul 13, 2011 23:32

Wow, guys, thanks so much for the lj gifts! I'm amazed so many people remembered me when I've been absent for such long stretches of time. It put a smile on my face every time one showed up in my inbox. <333

Thanks also to furiosity who posted some awesome stick art for me today. If you're a fan of Lord of the Rings, click here to see the best stick figure Gimli in the history of ever.

So many times I've intended to post something, whether it be an update, a rec, or anything else beyond the brief, occasional, flailing signs of life I've managed in the last couple years. One of these days I'll really accomplish it, and I'll return in a flurry of book reviews, fic recs, and extremely belated, shame-faced replies to the comments I've received in the last year or two. In the meantime, you guys have my sincerest thanks for remembering that I exist. It's ridiculously kind of you.
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