Has anyone not seen these? (I know they are silly, but I love them SO MUCH!)

Dec 29, 2008 10:40

Two different people have told me that Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars is a H/D song for them, and it is for me too, not because the song itself really says H/D to me, but because of this H/D sims video. I remember the first time I saw it, I just thought it was so ridiculous, and I was laughing hysterically at stuff like the Harry sim's reaction to Draco sim's proposal, but then by the end I couldn't help getting a little teary, and I kept finding myself wanting to watch it again, and EVER SINCE THEN, I can't help getting all squishy in the chest every time I hear that song.

Also, I should state for the record that most sim videos weird me out, but I actually love several made by BigMamaG. My other two favorites are You Could be Happy (this one's perfect for watching after Chasing Cars if you get a little teary at the end too), and the awesome and hilarious Harry's Christmas Wish.

Anyway, I linked someone to these, and she enjoyed them so much I thought I'd post about them (again? I may have posted about them a year or two ago...), in case anyone else might get a kick out of them.

Harry's Christmas Wish

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Chasing Cars

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You Could Be Happy

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