Okay, when I said I wasn't reccing any more
hd_holidays fics until after reveals, I, uh, lied. Sorry, I'm just too enthusiastic about this fic! So reccing one more.
Adventures in Babysitting (NC-17, 18,000 words--but it feels much shorter! The fic flies by.)
And no, there's no actual babysitting in this fic. Rather, Harry, as part of his Auror duties, is forced to "babysit" Malfoy. In Iceland, where it is cold and dark. Tents are involved. Let your mind go wherever you like--this fic lives up to all its potential. :D
Still not caught up on my reading, but I think this one has to be my favorite of the fest so far. Cleverly written, with snappy dialogue and simmering UST, this fic is hilarious, and hot, and a complete delight to read. So
go read it! :D