Because I still have my computer tonight...

Dec 03, 2007 19:43

I bring you the 25 Most Baffling Toys From Around The World. Don't forget to click to page two, or you'll miss such treasures as Benign Doll and the toy stripper pole. Really, though, I think my favorite is the robot God Jesus. Or maybe the "sled."

ETA: Also, I never linked to these Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974 before, did I? I think I just sent it to some people in chat. I DIED laughing at this, though. (You have to look at all the individual cards. And read the captions! I think my favorite is Frankfurter Spectacular, just for the name.)

ETA2: Oh! And this made me laugh so, so much. I think more than even the recipe cards. I laughed until I cried. I meant to link to it a long time ago. Fun Interpretations of Ambiguous Emergency Signs
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